David Hogg's debate partner: "He's not even supposed to be in our school, he's like 25 and he's from California". David Hogg: "Shocking" (mobile.twitter.com)

submitted  ago by icuntstopswearing to politics (+133|-12)

David Hogg Wasn't Even in The school that day

David Hogg Wasn't Even in The school that day (youtu.be)

submitted  ago by Jackl to news (+129|-6)

Adolf Hogg

Adolf Hogg (imgoat.com)

submitted  ago by Blase to funny (+34|-11)

Operation Hogg Wash Blown Wide Open. First we find out that David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez Are Cousins

Operation Hogg Wash Blown Wide Open. First we find out that David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez Are Cousins (archive.is)

submitted  ago by GizaDog to news (+40|-5)

SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE (David Hogg Literally lying about the shooting) No theory involved.

SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE (David Hogg Literally lying about the shooting) No theory involved. (youtube.com)

submitted  ago by nothintoseehere to politics (+218|-14)

Hogg wasn't at the school, rode bike 3 miles to get there after shooting. Elsewhere he claims he was in class during shooting.

Hogg wasn't at the school, rode bike 3 miles to get there after shooting. Elsewhere he claims he was in class during shooting. (hooktube.com)

submitted  ago by coinphrase to whatever (+79|-2)

The lying sociopath Hogg was "At home during the time of the shooting."

The lying sociopath Hogg was "At home during the time of the shooting."(columbianpost.com)

submitted  ago by Pattern_Blind to politics (+345|-13)

David Hogg, Crisis Actor, forgets his lines

That sound you heard was the sound of the media's narrative balloon popping. It turns out that David "Camera" Hogg, who totally is not a crisis actor and absolutely does not play a student who survived a mass shooting at his school in Florida:

First take: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.

Second take: When Hogg heard a “pop” while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, he told his teacher it sounded strangely like a gunshot. But there had been a fire drill that very morning and talk of a “Code Red” exercise to prepare for an active shooter. This must just be a surprise drill, he reasoned. And then the fire alarm sounded. Dutifully acting on it, Hogg and other students tried to exit the building. A janitor—Hogg doesn’t know his name but calls him an angel—knew where the shots were coming from and sent the students back. Then a culinary arts teacher, Ashley Kurth, pulled Hogg and others inside, locked the door, and made them hide in a closet. Checking Twitter and Instagram, Hogg—who’s an editor at the school’s TV station—found the news that the shooting was real and ongoing.

When Camera Hogg says that he isn't a crisis actor, it's entirely possible that he's telling the truth. Because he is so haplessly bad at it that it wouldn't surprise me if he's been fired from the job.

Face it, the whole thing is fake. Again. The Parkland drama was just another obvious false flag meant to drum up public support for gun control, complete with fake survivors who weren't even on the scene at the time. That's why Big Social and the mainstream media reacted so strongly to the correct observations that these kids are fakes and crisis actors, because they are desperate to retain their ability to create a false narrative.

UPDATE: The full transcript has Hogg claiming to have been at the school, going home, then going back again in order to film and perform for the cameras. Of course, we have not actually been presented with any evidence of his actually having been there earlier. And more importantly, if Hogg went home and got his camera AFTER the shooting, then how did he have it in the closet DURING the shooting.

As I always point out after these staged TV dramas, the one thing we absolutely know did not happen is whatever the media's current Official Story is. If you're dubious about this, if you actually take their reports at face value, allow me to direct your attention to the recent news that the father of the Pulse shooter was an FBI informant for 11 years. Are you noticing the pattern yet?

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POSTED BY VD @ 3/27/2018 05:13:00 AM


1.  Jamie-RMarch 27, 2018 5:22 AM

If you were still allowed on twitter... The responses on people posting this were that he went home after the shooting, then left his house on his bike to get back there that afternoon to do his job as viral creator of videos because all he wants is fame.

Some think this was drummed up to further discredit influencers as debunked conspiracy theorists by laying a Hogg Trap.

2.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 5:32 AM


Can't find the picture at the moment, but someone found the transcript for what CBS edited out. So the question: is CBS intentionally trying to make Fake News to get a response? (News Media is still filled with incompetents, so not everything is intentional. Though you can't assume as such.)

Found the explanation: https://twitter.com/ed_grimly/status/978439328937332736

CBS basically created a strawman that would, rightly, be attacked.

3.  Phillip GeorgeMarch 27, 2018 5:40 AM

Terrorist attacks can be averted by issuing FBI agents with condoms. It's an inter-generational thing.

4.  VDMarch 27, 2018 5:50 AM

CBS basically created a strawman that would, rightly, be attacked.

I would tend to assume by accident here. Because, if you think about it, what would be the point of doing so intentionally? All this does is raise the question of where there is any evidence that David Hogg was at the school earlier that day? We're supposed to take the word of a kid who, at best, is a complete camera whore at this point?

But if they're intentionally trying to give themselves the ability to point and cry "fake news", then what does that tell you about the relative weakness of their position?

5.  Rocklea MarinaMarch 27, 2018 5:53 AM

Does anyone else think David Hogg looks like a one of the "greys"(alien) with makeup on to make him look human? He also has that Luke Perry/Heather Locklear, I'm much older than the character I'm meant to be portraying look about him too. Fake victims.

6.  Howard StoneMarch 27, 2018 5:55 AM

Hogg had to go home and change his clothes after the shooting.

7.  VDMarch 27, 2018 5:57 AM

The responses on people posting this were that he went home after the shooting, then left his house on his bike to get back there that afternoon to do his job as viral creator of videos because all he wants is fame.

But if Hogg went home and got his camera AFTER the shooting, as he clearly states, then how could he have had it in the school closet DURING the shooting?

8.  Rocklea MarinaMarch 27, 2018 6:00 AM

The camera in the closet was his low light camera. The camera at home was the after school shooting camera.

9.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 6:17 AM

@4 VD

This instance might actually be unintentional, but they create so many strawmen to push discussion off-topic that I would assume intention, as a first step. If someone viewed Hogg as no longer useful, and possibly a problem, Gaslighting him makes sense. Makes another rabbit trail to get people lost in. 

Twitter loved to do this by making changes to trending topic auto-completes so topics got split up. Creates a diversion while burning out a player that's no longer useful.

10.  PatrikbcMarch 27, 2018 6:19 AM

The camera in the closet was his phone, So he went home to get his “good” camera?

11.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 6:27 AM

Related to the update, has anyone else noticed you can almost instantly tell when a big issue is not related to the Swamp? The Austin Bombing campaign is a good example. The news was barely making national headlines, the Police were giving regular & useful updates, local authorities weren't trying to induce panic and they tracked the bomber down as fast as they could.

Compare that with Parkland. The bodies weren't even cold and they were already on the Anti-2A push. Completely different approach, discussion and narrative.

The Pulse shooting was out of the National News in under 48 hours. The instant it was "Possibly Gay Muslim kills Gays", they memoryholed it. Heck, they were memoryholing it while it was happening on Reddit.

12.  simplytimothyMarch 27, 2018 6:27 AM

Hogg posing with Jarret in the Twitter link LG posted

13.  PatrikbcMarch 27, 2018 6:28 AM

But a hero, a real hero...would have rode home and got a bucket of rocks.

14.  simplytimothyMarch 27, 2018 6:29 AM

Twitter suspended me, but I can still access it via links posted here.

15.  Uncle John's BandMarch 27, 2018 6:38 AM

@ 11. Looking Glass

Yup. When I see the instant roll out of the narrative, lack of any substantive investigation, and ready-made "leaders" with talking points, I pretty much assume Swamp unless proven otherwise.

Forensics are pretty good. It is remarkable what can be recreated from trace evidence. The fact that they have been so brazen with speedy conclusions and destruction of all evidence suggests that they are desperate, or still playing scripts written for Hillary.

Speaking of which, any thoughts on the theory Trumps expulsion of Russian spies is amplification of the Putin menace leading up to Uranium One? It's not unconnected.

16.  Uncle John's BandMarch 27, 2018 6:39 AM

13. Patrikbc 

"But a hero, a real hero...would have rode home and got a bucket of rocks."

I just inhaled coffee.

17.  Shane SullivanMarch 27, 2018 6:45 AM

Could you imagine if Hogg was hired for this role by the Feds and ended up over sleeping.

"Crap, I'm late for the shooting!"

Ferris Bueller music begins to play as he rushes to school.

18.  The KurganMarch 27, 2018 6:46 AM

He forgets his lines a lot.
As in the video that appeared of him messing up his lines and having to redo the shoot multiple times.
They really got a below 90 IQ point freak for this false flag.

19.  Chris LutzMarch 27, 2018 6:50 AM

@13 Although semi-correctly mocked, it does at least represent a will to fight back. Can anything be more stupid than herding everyone into a closet in a classroom? It's sheep behavior.

20.  AmyMarch 27, 2018 6:55 AM

Just wondering why/how anyone was allowed to leave the school and then return again like it was no biggie to grab his ride and cruise outta dodge.

I was in high school over 20 years ago. Security was more lax and kids could come and go with fewer restrictions, but when a major problem happened, parents were called and no one left without someone signing them out. 

So I’ll remain highly skeptical for many reasons

21.  SaltMarch 27, 2018 7:00 AM

Is this an example of when x =/ x?

22.  Christopher BMarch 27, 2018 7:00 AM

I didn't watch Hogg's closet video but I recall descriptions of it being rather creepy and that he was feeding lines to the other kids. There may have been some intention on CBS part to avoid talking about it since it does conflict with the 'galvinized by the shooting' narrative if he's always been an attention whore. The slip up was probably unintentional as the writer/editor knew what they wanted to present and obscure, and didn't realize that an unbiased viewer would come up with the impression he wasn't at the school not just that he didn't make the closet video.

23.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 7:01 AM

@15 Uncle John's Band

Trump plays Foreign Policy really, really close to the vest. Considering the State Department has likely been all but removed from much of its old function & power, that isn't too surprising. Everything has a deliberate purpose, even if it's not directly observable. Domestic Policy is a lot more straight forward, simply because we have a lot more information from which to work.

U1 is definitely the "issue" that can unwind much of the Swamp. Pretty much everyone that touched it is incredibly guilty of many thing.

24.  Jamie-RMarch 27, 2018 7:26 AM

The latest & costliest smartphones may have the tech, but none of them measure up to a proper HD video camera with a good lens. I'd say that was Hogg's motivation. My video camera is TV standard & cost me 5 Gs, gives you the power of raw editing flexibility.

25.  JoeplanetMarch 27, 2018 7:32 AM

“AP environmental science class“

Good grief.

26.  GAHCindyMarch 27, 2018 7:47 AM

I've seen so many videos of him saying things that don't add up. Wrong times mentioned, different locations, knowing the name of the shooter before the shots have supposedly even stopped. I don't know what happened, but i know everything he says is a lie.

27.  RickMarch 27, 2018 7:51 AM

My first impression of these kids in the pose brigade was that these were people not ever for even one moment in any actual danger of being shot. They don’t seem to be behaving like what I reasonably imagine it would be like to be their age and in the imediate presence of a crazed maniac who was shooting at people near you with absolute indifference to who the victims were and you are next.
It seems a young survivor would be either too stunned for words, historically crying nonstop, or absolutely euphoric.

If true, their experience (or lack of it) provides no special value to the “conversation about guns.” In fact, it’s less than zero value, as it’s harmful to the rest of us in its absurdity.

28.  JoeplanetMarch 27, 2018 7:54 AM

Schrödinger’s Hogg. 

He was in the school and not in school at the same time.

29.  UnknownMarch 27, 2018 8:03 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

30.  haus frauMarch 27, 2018 8:04 AM

These kids being hand picked for their roles, and the best they could come up with is an arrogant, pencil-necked Hitler youth and a Marxist lesbian with a shaved head. You would think they would come up with more sympathetic puppets to dance in front of the few members of the public that haven't dug in to one side or the other of the gun debate by now. Those people are relatively normal. Those are the people who wanted to be sympathetic to Black Lives Matter until they were put off by the riots and blocked ambulances. These activists and government handlers really suck at putting on a convincing show, probably because they despise the public they are trying to manipulate.

31.  basementhomebrewerMarch 27, 2018 8:04 AM

Rick wrote:My first impression of these kids in the pose brigade was that these were people not ever for even one moment in any actual danger of being shot. They don’t seem to be behaving like what I reasonably imagine it would be like to be their age and in the imediate presence of a crazed maniac who was shooting at people near you with absolute indifference to who the victims were and you are next.

It seems a young survivor would be either too stunned for words, historically crying nonstop, or absolutely euphoric.

If true, their experience (or lack of it) provides no special value to the “conversation about guns.” In fact, it’s less than zero value, as it’s harmful to the rest of us in its absurdity.

This was my same immediate thought. Nothing they say has the ring of authenticity to it. The leftists give away the game immediately though. The mildest criticism of these kids elicits over the top reactions from them. I got banned from a smaller discussion group for just posting the Hogg as a Hitler meme there. The excuse was I was picking on a "child". Even though this 17 year old "child" thrust himself into the national spotlight to push a blatant political agenda.

32.  NateMarch 27, 2018 8:05 AM

"But if Hogg went home and got his camera AFTER the shooting, as he clearly states, then how could he have had it in the school closet DURING the shooting?"

he didn't go home to get his camera. he went home because they told all the kids to go home and or his dad came and got him. 

Then he got on his back and went back. Look at the timeline in the transcript. Its the afternoon. After the shooting when he is going home. Its the transcript of what happened between about 5pm and 11pm.

and... if you're correct and its an actual screw up... then they got lucky because it the explanation that I just gave is a believable one.

Hell I hate the little bastard and I find the explanation believable. He says he wanted to go back to get some b-roll. B-roll is alternative or supplemental footage... suggesting he already had the main footage. 

This isn't the smoking gun. or if it is... its unfortunate because it will not be recognized as such.

33.  VDMarch 27, 2018 8:08 AM

he didn't go home to get his camera. he went home because they told all the kids to go home and or his dad came and got him.

Of course. But his wording makes it clear that he did NOT have the camera previously, at the school, assuming that he ever was at the school.

I'm not saying this will convince anyone else. But it is sufficient to convince me. As an editor, I have learned that word choices are far more significant than most people realize. I learn far more about my writers and their psyches than I would prefer simply by reading their unedited work.

34.  Rocklea MarinaMarch 27, 2018 8:09 AM

I'm telling you, he's an alien.

35.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 8:12 AM

@32 Nate

Though we should probably stop to considering, what high school student thinks to get B-roll after his classmates are dead. Obviously, it was a massive school and Hogg & company knew none of the students killed, but it's still beyond ghoulish behavior.

36.  NateMarch 27, 2018 8:26 AM

The CBS interview... vs the PBS transcript... 

if you see it rather than read it... its a lot more convincing. Because the thing that makes me think he had really just screwed up royally in the CBS interview.. is the instant reaction of the others to change the subject. "THIS ISN'T ABOUT US!!!"


you can see it there... it starts at like 4:25 

37.  NateMarch 27, 2018 8:30 AM

"Though we should probably stop to considering, what high school student thinks to get B-roll after his classmates are dead."

no question. I was like "Get some b roll"? Who talks like that? 

38.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 8:35 AM

@37 Nate

Someone that watches a lot of YouTube. Video production is done, even among the big channels, with fairly small & communicative production crew. Thus, the phrases normally used behind the camera show up a lot more in discussions on-camera.

39.  RickMarch 27, 2018 8:40 AM

First they gave us Rosie Ruiz,
and we did nothing...

40.  tzMarch 27, 2018 8:42 AM

We could end public school shootings by ending public schools, which would also have so many other beneficial side-effects.

41.  NateMarch 27, 2018 8:44 AM

"Someone that watches a lot of YouTube. Video production is done, even among the big channels, with fairly small & communicative production crew."

I've got 5 kids that watch youtube all the time. I lead a youth group 25 that watch youtube all the time. lots of these kids have their own channel.

I've never heard "b-roll" come out of any of their mouths.

42.  NateMarch 27, 2018 8:45 AM

it seems to me that this is a good time to flip the whole "America is an Idea" narrative on the commies.

If america is an idea... and anyone who shares that idea can be an american... then can't we say that anyone who does NOT share that idea is NOT american?

43.  Ominous CowherdMarch 27, 2018 8:45 AM

tz wrote:We could end public school shootings by ending public schools, which would also have so many other beneficial side-effects.

America was great long before it had public schools. America stopped being great a few generations after public schools were inflicted upon us.

MAGA - end public schools!

44.  AvalancheMarch 27, 2018 8:53 AM

@37 "no question. I was like "Get some b roll"? Who talks like that?" 

Anderson Cooper.

45.  Daniel Paul Grech PereiraMarch 27, 2018 8:55 AM

Now THAT'S a more likely explanation! He had to wash the blood off.

46.  Daniel Paul Grech PereiraMarch 27, 2018 9:00 AM

This comment has been removed by the author.

47.  NateMarch 27, 2018 9:03 AM

"Now THAT'S a more likely explanation! He had to wash the blood off."

I mean... the second shooter in swat gear and all... but... can you really see David Hogg shooting anything? I'm not sure his index finger would reach into the trigger guard.

48.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 9:05 AM

Hogg couldn't lift a pistol with those guns.

49.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 9:07 AM

Nate wrote:it seems to me that this is a good time to flip the whole "America is an Idea" narrative on the commies.

If america is an idea... and anyone who shares that idea can be an american... then can't we say that anyone who does NOT share that idea is NOT american?

We could use this counter-attack on a few different vectors. "We're all Jews! You're just an anti-semite." Hmm... thinking. This needs development.

50.  VDMarch 27, 2018 9:14 AM

it seems to me that this is a good time to flip the whole "America is an Idea" narrative on the commies.

Exactly. If you don't support the 2nd Amendment, you are not an American. If you don't believe in American posterity, you are not an American.

51.  VDMarch 27, 2018 9:15 AM

We could use this counter-attack on a few different vectors. "We're all Jews! You're just an anti-semite." Hmm... thinking. This needs development.

No. Just no.

52.  Looking GlassMarch 27, 2018 9:31 AM

@51 VD

The Vector works, it's just target selection. I only thought on the Jewish line because of the blog post above this one. (Though if the Alt-Reichtards wanted to do something actually useful...)

It's a variation on Agree & Amplify, though the actual move is to take their "logic" to it's conclusion then Out-Group them with it. That should make some SJW heads explode. Should be fun.

53.  Josh (the sexiest thing here)March 27, 2018 9:33 AM

Jews are the real anti semites should work as well as Democrats are the real racis has

54.  VDMarch 27, 2018 9:35 AM

It's a variation on Agree & Amplify, though the actual move is to take their "logic" to it's conclusion then Out-Group them with it. That should make some SJW heads explode. Should be fun.

I understand your thought process. And that is why I am advising you to stick to the dialectical analysis. It won't make SJW heads explode nor should that be your objective.

55.  VDMarch 27, 2018 9:36 AM

Jews are the real anti semites should work as well as Democrats are the real racis has

Precisely. Those who think in dialectic never create effective rhetoric. As I have repeatedly observed, if you have to explain it to justify it, it is not effective.

56.  PrionyxMarch 27, 2018 9:39 AM

@48. Looking Glass

Not that I would wish violence upon the young man, but someone should teach him a lesson in why small, weak, noodle-armed men such as himself should be grateful for the Second Amendment and Mr. Colt.

57.  KBuffMarch 27, 2018 9:44 AM

The whole thing rings untrue. The version I saw of his first interviews of classmates is filled with the politics of gun control and very little concern for their own lives or those of their classmates. Add to that what appears to be his identifying of Cruz as the perp at 3:13 PM (while still supposedly huddled in the closet) before Cruz is picked up at 3:40, and it all looks rather odd.

58.  Rocklea MarinaMarch 27, 2018 9:49 AM

Rhetoric can be situational or universal. Universal is best for memes and make sense at a glance. Situational, "You had to be there."

59.  NateMarch 27, 2018 9:52 AM

"Exactly. If you don't support the 2nd Amendment, you are not an American. If you don't believe in American posterity, you are not an American."

note that the first thing the SJW says when you tell them they aren't american is "This is my country as much as yours!"

Its easy at that point to want to fall into dialect and take them apart... because you have that available. But its better to ignore that and acknowledge what they are really saying... which is... "stop it you're scaring me!"

60.  Ken PrescottMarch 27, 2018 10:04 AM

Added to Emma Gonzalez's 19 seconds of justifying why she and her friends bullied Nikolas Cruz, and this does no favors for the narrative.

61.  JACIIIMarch 27, 2018 10:12 AM

Those kids are too creepy to be fake.

62.  bgkoranburnerMarch 27, 2018 10:17 AM

And more importantly, if Hogg went home and got his camera AFTER the shooting, then how did he have it in the closet DURING the shooting.

I can say with authority that Hogg was never in the closet.

The camera in the closet was his low light camera. The camera at home was the after school shooting camera.

How many school shootings has he been at if he has a "after school shooting camera", do they issue them to crisis actors now?

These kids being hand picked for their roles, and the best they could come up with is an arrogant, pencil-necked Hitler youth and a Marxist lesbian with a shaved head.

The pickings are, well slim might not be the right word https://gab.ai/BGKB/posts/22551707

63.  Purge187March 27, 2018 10:18 AM

"Added to Emma Gonzalez's 19 seconds of justifying why she and her friends bullied Nikolas Cruz, and this does no favors for the narrative."

I was taken aback by that when I read about it yesterday. Guilty conscience on her part?

64.  Ken PrescottMarch 27, 2018 10:22 AM

"I was taken aback by that when I read about it yesterday. Guilty conscience on her part?"

I don't know if it's "guilt" per se, or just a sociopath trying to come up with a plausible-sounding reason.

OK, confession time: I got bullied more than my share in junior and senior high way back when.

What Gonzalez said is EXACTLY what I heard from the bullies as they justified their behavior.

65.  bob kek mando - ( I love the smell of Autism on the internet. It smells like ... victoREEEEEEEEE )March 27, 2018 10:23 AM

41. Nate March 27, 2018 8:44 AM
I've never heard "b-roll" come out of any of their mouths.

it's not exactly common, but i have been hearing it for years.

you know, exactly the kind of terminology an A/V club geek would throw around to indicate his superiority to the dirty unwashed masses.

more important is the ludicrousness of even the revised, "sensical" time line.

1 - Hogg is trapped in a closing, doing ad hoc interviews with his classmates

2 - the police evacuate Hogg's classroom ... and permit him to leave without taking his witness testimony? 
possible. parents are going to be frantic in a situation like this and po-po are going to be more interested in getting them calmed down than in investigating the crime.

3 - he rides 3 miles home, gets his 'quality' camera and rides 3 miles back.
now you're talking about a minimum of 1/2 an hour and more likely an hour round trip.

4 - he returns to ... a mass murder crime scene? with police crawling all over it? and the po-po just let him wander around taking pictures?

i dunno. i haven't paid much attention to Camera Hogg. but there'd better damn well not be any 'quality' video from inside the school( since we now know that he didn't have his 'quality' camera until well after the school had been locked down and secured ) , or not points to further collusion between Hogg and the authorities.

66.  Josh (the sexiest thing here)March 27, 2018 10:26 AM

Precisely. Those who think in dialectic never create effective rhetoric. As I have repeatedly observed, if you have to explain it to justify it, it is not effective.
But what if dialectic is the real rhetoric?

67.  Carl PhilippMarch 27, 2018 10:38 AM

He was checking social media in the closet, so I figure the closet video was from his phone. Would he go back and get his camera for the video quality, or just because phones have limited storage space?

68.  bob kek mando - ( I love the smell of Autism on the internet. It smells like ... victoREEEEEEEEE )March 27, 2018 10:41 AM

but what if my Dialectic is unconvincing and ignored, even though correct?

*rages at the world*

69.  VDMarch 27, 2018 10:42 AM

But what if dialectic is the real rhetoric?

It can't be, because dialectic is technically a subset of rhetoric.

It is not wise to get pedantic with me. Just because I dislike it doesn't mean I can't do it better.